To take refuge in Living Buddha Lian-sheng and become a student of the True Buddha School, there are three courses:(i) In person - Make an appointment ahead of time to visit the True Buddha Tantric Quarter in Redmond, Washington, USA to receive direct Initiation Empowerment from the Living Buddha Lian-shen.
(ii) By writing - It is often not possible for someone who lives far away to come in person to take refuge. Those students who desire to take refuge can, on the first or fifteenth of any lunar month, at 7:00 a.m., while facing the direction of the rising sun, recite three times the Fourfold Refuge Mantra: "Namo Guru bei, namo Buddha ye, namo Dharma ye, namo Sangha ye" and prostrate three times.
On the first or fifteenth of every lunar month, at the True Buddha Tantric Quarter, Living Buddha Lian-shen performs a ceremony of "Remote Initiation Empowerment" - to give empowerment to all the students who could not journey in person.
A student who takes refuge from a distance, after performing the rites at home, only needs to send a letter to the True Buddha Tantric Quarter stating that he or she is seeking refuge, together with his/her name, address, age, and a small fee for making offerings to the Buddhas. Upon receiving the letter, Living Buddha Lian-shen will send a certificate, a picture of the Guru, and a note stating the level of practice at he/she should start. The address of the True Buddha Tantric Quarter is:
Sheng-yen Lu
17102 NE 40th Ct.
Redmond, WA 98052, USA
(iii) Through Local chapters of the True Buddha School. Come to the nearest Vihara of True Buddha School and get a refuge when Vajra Acarya comes to the Vihara.
For the addres of TBS Vihara, please visit Vihara address
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