10 fact about me..

 Syarat dan Ketentuan nya :

1. Each blogger must post this rules
2. Each blogger starts with ten random facts/habit about themselves
3. Blogger that are tagged need write about their own blog their ten things and post these rules
4. You need to choose ten people to get tagged and list their names.
5. Don't forget to live them comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog

Ten random facts about me:

  1. gw humoris.. wkwk
  2. demen soccer...
  3. suka juventus..
  4. gak suka neko2..
  5. santai...
  6. benci ma org plin plan..
  7. ga suka ce sombon.. wkwk
  8. udah lama kaga baca soccer.. my favorite newspaper..
  9. menanti liburan sebentar lagi..
  10. cukup rajin membaca.. hahaha

TaG ke : lagi males nge tag nieh.. tar deh tgu yg smilestone award.. haha


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